Pain Counselling & Education


''I cant do it any longer..."   Come find your heart with us with Spiritual Counselling, Guidance and Pain Educators.

We are pain educators who support physical injuries/pain with mental awareness and education of how your nervous system tells your brain who/what/where you are. A beautiful complement to the physio clinic that treats headaches, migraines, jaw pain, neck pain, tinnitus. All of which occur after a build up of many areas in life.

Our spiritual counselling and guidance is a journey on the middle path, with; meditation, mindfulness, inner child work at the unconscious level, with Buddhist symbols /philosophy to move towards bliss.

Quantum Physics has shown that the atom is 99.9999999% energy & 0.0111111111% mass. We are made up of millions of billions of atoms. So the skin sack you are attached to is mostly energy. That energy/thoughts/feelings sit where???!! Learn how to transform your pain quicker, with higher thought process's. Don't get stuck in your ''stories of lack and victimhood'', learn how to let go of ''critical parent voices you internalise'', learn how to vocalise health, love, self expression & wealth for the greatest good.

This is the beginning, it is a lifetime of practice and dedication, like brushing your teeth! Discipline = love.

We refer onto wonderful experts in the field should you wish to become an enlightened being.


Bringing yourself back to the present in every moment. This stops you living in the past and falling into depression, or living in the future - 'what if's' and creating anxiety. We have many tools and practices that allow you to have self discipline = self love, to come back to where you are right now, this second and have gratitude for what is in front of you.

For example - are you born in a western country?, do you have clean running water, do you have shelter? Start with the basics.

We quickly get bored of the happiness we think we have created and then need more stuff!! Learn what is true happiness. The big and difficult but not impossible task of finding equinimity - neither like nor dislike in all things and people. So that we develop loving kindness towards all people and stop running around trying to find new stuff or experiences to please us.

The basic's for life;

  • Ethics (do no harm, do not take what is not given, no sexual harm),

  • Discipline (to come back to now, training your mind to focus on its purest form, not to follow idle thoughts and any feeling that arises). Its so freeing to learn you are not all your thoughts, or all your feelings. You can learn to watch them.

  • Wisdom (reading and finding what is truth for you), and

  • Meditation (transforming your mind, evolution) to allow loving kindness.

Free Worksheet Here To Get You Started


The important thing to note - you will never start, if you try to empty your mind!!! Just start sitting down for 5 min, with your eyes closed and see what comes up. The more you try to have a quiet mind, the more noisy it will get!! So don't try. Just sit there and let the thoughts flow out again and let them go. that is how you start - Easy!!!!

Or even better, just picture a candle flame. You will float away on other thoughts, thats ok, bring yourself back to the candle flame each time. As you get better at it, you will hold the flame longer and longer, and have less floating away moments! Single pointed meditation is the most powerful, and most beneficial meditation.

Eventually you will find a mind that is quiet, and this is when the depth of consciousness is found. There is much to awaken and see. Instead of the loud and annoying ''chitter chatter'' of the mind.

Inner Child Meditation

Almost like self guided hypnosis, where you can wake yourself up at anytime, and is completely safe.

Your therapist talks you through a guided meditation, where you walk yourself down into your subconscious to meet your 'little child', your self as a child. Once there, as your little child builds trust with you visiting, your adult self gets to nurture and love yourself at different ages as a child. The level of self acceptance and self love alone are amazing at this basic first level. You are encouraged to ask your 'little one', 'do you need anything?' and the needs of your child are met, often for the first time, in your minds eye.

As you progress, your therapist can take you through awkward or emotional memories and help you stand up to your worries and guide you through how a 'safe and well parented' memory should look like. So that you have new feelings in a positive manner for the adult you in the future.

This is how we reduce triggers and negative feelings as an adult, by going back to your past and giving your 'little child' loving kindness at times that you didn't get it.

This is quantum physic's, where time is not linear. You are able to go back to your childhood, to change your future and transform the way your respond to events. i.e. allow your mind to transform, where you no longer react, but watch and think 'what does kindness sound like', or 'what if that was me'. You no longer attach personal feelings to events or negative emotions from others.

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